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Bow when:

     -  Entering or leaving the training area
     -  Addressing a higher ranking student 
     -  Addressing an Instructor. (This is done purely to show respect, no other reason.)

Before and after class starts:
     - Students will be called to attention for all recognized Black Belts entering the training area
     - Once class begins, the Instructor(s) will determine whether or not to call the students to attention

Use proper titles of senior students according to rank or age:
     - All senior gup ranks: Mr or Ms
     - Senior Student: (Sun-bae-nim)
     - Instructor/Black Belt: (Sa-bum-nim)
     - Head of training: (Kwan-jang-nim)
    - Sir or Ma'am is always correct

If you are late to class:    
     - Do 10 knuckle push-ups before entering training area
     - Fall in at back of class (no matter your gup)
     - Do not make it a habit. Have a good reason and inform your Instructor(s)

Do not leave the floor without permission unless you are very ill. If you must leave early, get permission before class.

No medications or alcohol within 8 hours before class, unless on Physician's orders and then inform the Instructor(s) if on any medications.

Once in position, do not move​Good discipline always:
     - Ignores discomfort and irritation
     - Maintains good eye control
     - Maintains self-control & self-confidence

As a beginner you will have two enemies:

     1) lack of self-confidence

     2) discouragement

Don't let either overcome you.

Never lose patience; it is a sign of weakness. Practice hard and allow your Instructor(s) to make necessary corrections & instructions without feeling offended.

Show respect at all times, including one's opponent, on or off the training floor.

Obey all commands with speed...RUN!!!

Do not assume postures which tend to imply lack of respect (crossed arms, hands on your hips, leaning on a wall, etc.)

     - When sitting on chairs, remove your belt
     - When sitting on the floor, keep your belt on and use approved positions

     - Bottom of feet never face Instructor(s)

When allowed to be "at rest", you have a three foot circle in which to move, wipe off sweat, etc...NO TALKING.

No protective gear is to be worn during basics or forms. To prevent injury, no training weights are to be used.

During one steps and sparring, keep talking to a minimum.

Athletic cups/groin protectors should be worn at all times. Inform your partner if you are not wearing one.

Report any injuries, however minor, to the Instructor(s) as soon as possible.

Practice good hygiene by coming to class with clean and trimmed fingernails as well as clean hands and feet. These steps help to reduce the risk of injuries, infected cuts, and illness.

     - Four C's of TKD: Clean body, Clean mind, Clean spirit, Clean heart

Treat uniforms with respect. If necessary, hem up pant legs so they do not drag on the ground.
     - Wear clean black uniforms to all formal classes and black belt workouts

Patch protocol

     - Only approved patches are to be worn on uniforms and only by qualified ranks  
Approved patches, placements and qualified ranks are:
     - Club patch, left shoulder, 9th gup and higher (or white belt if competing in tournament)
     - Association patch if applies, left chest, 9th gup and higher (or white belt if competing in tournament)
     - Flag patch, right shoulder, 4th gup (brown) and higher (approved but not required)
Club patch is awarded with 9th gup belt and is required to be worn at tournaments.
Respect the belt (Dee). It is a symbol of your rank and all the effort used to attain it.
     - Do not let it touch the floor unless you are in it.
     - While in uniform, a student must only practice techniques related to the training of TKD, nothing else
     - Do not sit without removing the belt, unless given permission to do so, and keep proper posture, hands         on the knees or in the lap, back straight. (do not sit against walls)
     - A student is considered to be out of uniform when he removes his belt.
Note: if belt is removed, it should be (at least) draped around the neck during the closing of class.

The following are not allowed on the training floor:
     - Jewelry, shoes, socks, gum, smoking, eating, drinking, unnecessary noise, horseplay, or any misbehavior

Learn the Korean terms and use them.

You are only allowed to learn forms pertaining to your rank. If you wish to learn other forms, talk with an Instructor(s) to obtain permission.

Do not ask about testing. Your progress is being observed and you will be told when and if you are ready. (if you believe you may have been overlooked, talk respectfully with the head student who will go to your Instructor. Be respectful of their answer.)

If a grade school, high school, or college student's grades decline as a result of the time that is being spent on their training, the student may be asked to temporarily not participate in class until such time as their grades return to normal.

Always remember, you are a martial artist and a representative of your club, Instructor(s), and association,  when in class or out of class. Your conduct reflects honor or dishonor on the entire martial arts.

Display a positive attitude, enthusiasm and sincerity.


NOTE: If you have any concerns or problems in the club or Association, you should follow the chain of command by talking with your senior student. If they cannot help you, they will go to the Instructor(s). If the Instructor(s) does not have the answer, they will present the situation/question to their Instructor(s), through the chain of command.

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